
not all those who wander are lost

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Greetings from Home

I got a great surprise this week.  Mom and Dad sent me a package!  Thank goodness it actually arrived (intact!)  It was great to have a little something special from home.  Wanna know what was in it?


and a lot of love <3

So it was sort of an adventure to get it.  Apparently the security of Argentinean mail is top notch.  Whilst I could see my sweet package sitting there, behind the counter, they made me wait over two hours to receive it.  I took a number, and after about 15 minutes I was called back.  They took my form stating I had a package and I hoped to receive said package.  Not so fast.  Instead, they handed me another number and told me to take a seat!  I waited, and I waited, and I waited and then I waited some more.  Everyone was waiting and no one was leaving with packages.  It was very stressful for everyone in the room.  The trip wasn't a total bust though, I did learn some new inappropriate words from a very angered and distressed Argentinean.  At least the bureaucracy of this country bothers them as well.  Then, when I finally was called the second time, I had an interview.  The very serious postal worker asked me what was in the package.  HELLLOOO???? I am receiving this package!  How in the world should I know what is inside it!?!?!?!?!?!?! I explained this somewhat calmly and eventually left with love from home hugged tightly in my arms.

All is well that ends well... so now I must go off and enjoy a wonderful Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Bon Apetit!


  1. Yay! You have a blog! Now I can follow your trip when I´m back in the States. Jessie and I saw a line in the post office one day, and I vowed I would never wait in a line there. It looked crazy intense. Glad you made it out with your goodies though!

  2. It's so good to hear about your adventures. I'm surprised they didn't make you open the package before they would let you take it. You may have had to make sandwiches for everyone. I hope Elder Z gets his birthday package before he completely wears his shoes out. Did you hear we are grandparents again? Micah Joel to Eli and Joelynn on March 29. He's perfect and I'll email you some pics as soon as I get some. Or do you check out their blog already? Were you able to view General Conference? Be good!
