
not all those who wander are lost

Sunday, January 31, 2010

4 countries in 20 hours? No sweat

Whew… I’m sitting in the Toronto airport, cooling my jets until my next leg of the trip. Everything has gone well so far, on time and efficiently. I just have to take a moment to remark on stereotypes. In all my travels, I’ve encountered and busted many stereotypes. French people (for the most part) aren’t snotty snobs, Mexicans aren’t lazy hombres, and not all Italians walk around in Prada. However, some stereotypes do prove true. Nothing more concise could be said about the Canadians I’ve encountered. They do wonder what it’s all aboooout. They are friendly and they do love hockey. Well, my evidence for this is that hockey was the first thing I saw on Canadian television. I’m not about to form everlasting opinions; after all, I’m only in the airport.

Since I’ve mentioned airports. Let me just take a second to say how cool Toronto is. I knew I get to hear a little French, but it’s everywhere! The first time I saw Sortie in a red sign above an exit, I felt like I was back in the Louvre. In the past fifteen minutes, I’ve heard English, Canadian English, French, Spanish and I think a sentence or two of Portuguese. A man next to me as we speak is complaining about something in rapid fire Spanish… I want to finish this quickly so I can focus a little more on my eves-dropping. I am slightly nervous about my language abilities. You’d think nine years in a foreign language would render you fluent but so is not the case. The language system in schools is horrid and does not come close to teaching in an effective way. Better to not get started on that now. Well, eh, I hope that the rest of my travels continue as well and I will check back in soon! Wave to me as I cross the Americas :)

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