
not all those who wander are lost

Friday, February 12, 2010

One week down

I’ve survived the first week! And then some. I’ve met so many new people it is sometimes hard to keep track. Last night, our new French friend, Loic, invited us to a typical Argentinean asado on his terrace near Plaza Espana. The food was delicious, but the company was even better. There was an eclectic mix of nationalities: USA, French, German, Brazilian and even a few Argentines. It was great to chat with the other exchange students and hear what brought them to Argentina.

Today we were going to go to the Jesuit crypts underneath Cordoba (literally) but found out they closed at 3 pm. Since a siesta was very much in order… we could hardly tackle them today. There are a lot of churches and touristy things I still have yet to do in Córdoba. I am thoroughly enjoying, however, being in a city where I am not a tourist. I am making friends and experiencing things like a local which is definitely something new for me. The tourist stuff will come in time I am sure.

Everything is going well with school. We had our first oral presentations today, and tomorrow we have our midterm. The presentation went quite well. It had to be on some aspect of your culture at home. I chose to speak on the German influence in Wisconsin. I touched on food, brats, sauerkraut and beer; schools, kindergarten; and finally, dance—POLKA! I gave a short polka lesson and the class tried their hand at polka. They all looked pretty silly, but who doesn’t when you are dancing the polka? I am confident about the midterm tomorrow and we are having a study group tonight. I hope everyone is enjoying my posts… let me know if there is anything special about which you’d like to hear!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts. Have you been to church yet? I want to hear all about your new ward family.
