
not all those who wander are lost

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Drug/ Banana Heist

Oh alright, I'll explain.  We got out at the border.  In the freezing cold Andes.  At 4 in the morning.  We stood in the ridiculous line to have our passports stamped.  Took one step over (Bienvenidos a Argentina!) and got our passports stamped back into la Argentina.  I sleepily crawled back on to the bus and promptly returned to dream land.  I felt the bus shake to a start and begin moving.  About 5 seconds and 20 feet later, the bus purred to a stop.  I woke up with a start--This is not Mendoza!  We had to debark the bus yet again so that they could check our luggage.  Anything the hold went through a scanner, but they checked whatever bags we had in the cabin by hand.  Everyone stood in line, looking tired and cold.  The bus driver scanned the bus and encountered a black garbage bag.  He brought it down, held it for inspection and yelled for the owner.  No one claimed it for a few minutes, but finally a man came forward and took the bag.  Let me mention something about customs on the Argentina/ Chile border.  On their sign for what isn't permitted across the border, they have handguns/ weapons/ bombs in very small print at the bottom, then a HUGE picture of an apple with a line through it.  Apparently, you can bring a kilo of cocaine across the border with you, but don't you dare try to bring a banana!  Back to Garbage Man:  He then proceeded to set the bag down in the middle of a group of people and move away from it.  The Homeland Security Warning American in me came alive and I started taking the necessary precautions.  I watched him carefully, but much to my horror, as the man who was checking the bags came closer and closer to me, the Garbage Man moved his bag closer to me in line!  I promptly moved as well as Katie and I became very nervous.  The security official never checked his bag.  I had had enough of this.  I marched up to the bus driver, standing by an official, and announced what had happened to him.  He looked at me like I was crazy, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Katie gesturing wildly as Garbage Man sprinted on to the bus, unchecked bag in hand!!!!!  However, the bus driver didn't seem nearly as concerned as I.  I enjoyed the bananas very much in Chile, and apparently this man did too...  I just don't understand why I, who didn't try to bring any bananas across the border, had to be woken up from sleep and stand in the cold?  If you aren't going to check everyone and do a proper job of things, leave me alone.  Don't put on pretenses.  If you are corrupt, don't try to be a hero.  But then again, maybe this man just was a little confused on the customs procedure and was doing nothing illegal.  I realize this could have been a potentially dangerous situation, but I did what I could and I thank God for watching out for me and keeping me safe.  I have to remember that I'm not in Kansas anymore... well, Wisconsin actually, and sometimes things happen a little differently south of the border.

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