
not all those who wander are lost

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Futbol.  (aka soccer). It's a way of life here.  And I got to experience it first hand!  The World Cup is coming up in a few weeks and the national team of Argentina had one more match before the real deal.  After much haggling and some frantic text messages between Leslie and myself, we finagled ourselves a spot on a bus to the stadium and tickets to the show.

And a show it was.  It reminded me of a Packer game, or maybe a Badger game, where all you see for miles around is a sea of the team's colors and fans cheering and hooting at every opportunity.  Before the actual game started, there was jets flying over and streamers and gallivanting about the stadium.  From the start, Canada didn't stand a chance.  My theory is they arranged this game so that Argentina could kick some tooshie in celebration of the bicentennial festivities.  Really, Canada, stick to soccer.  I love my northern neighbors--but the goalie literally ducked out of the way of the ball once.  I realize I am not a soccer expert, but my intuition tells me there is something fundamentally wrong with that move.

The energy in the stadium was at a fever pitch.  The cheers were loud, long and strong.  Argentina absolutely rocks the wave.  It slithered around the stadium multiple times.  These folks know how to do it up right. It was incredible to watch people come together so much over a sport.  It just shows how passionate this country is.  I love it.



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